Thought Leader Series: Road Trip! How to Transform Your Move Into a Vacation

Thought Leader Series: Road Trip! How to Transform Your Move Into a Vacation

Erin Pennings is a marketer by trade with multiple cross-country moves under her belt. She writes about her life, recipes, and family fun at

Q: When is moving like going on a vacation?

A: Whenever you let it be!

Like anything else in life, your move will be exactly what you make of it. There are some inevitable stresses with any move — deciding whether or not to hire a professional moving company (from a voice of experience, it’s completely worth it!), comparing moving company quotes, purging your household goods, saying goodbye to your friends and family, and planning your new life in your new town. The key to making the most of your move is to having a great attitude about it. Treat it like a vacation. Strike that. Transform your upcoming cross-country move into a vacation – the ultimate road trip! We’ll show you the way.

Transform your move into a vacationPhase 1: Planning

So much of moving is looking ahead – planning a timeline, completing home improvements to make your real estate listing shine, and figuring out where you’ll live in your new hometown. It’s easy to get so focused in the minutia, that you forget to take a few minutes to breathe. Don’t forget to breathe. Enjoy the chaos, because you may look back on some of the individual experiences fondly. Remember, moving is about what you make of it. And we’re making this move into a fun experience. So, despite the fact that this step involves even more planning, this is actually a fun task, because you’ve just committed to making this move different.

  • First things first, determine your starting point and ending point. (This is an easy step to check off, since you likely already know these pieces.)
  • Second, plan how much time you’re willing to take on your journey. Obviously, the more time you have, the more places you can explore.
  • Obtain a large map that shows the major cities. You’ll ultimately want a road atlas. However, for the early planning stages, a basic map that includes your current city, your new hometown, and everything in between, will do just fine.
  • Circle ALL of the places you want to go on your road trip. Consider how much time you want to spend in each vs how much time you have. Begin narrowing down your game plan from there.
  • Think about where along the route you want to spend nights. And then, consider where you’ll be sleeping. Will you be tent camping? Sleeping in an RV? Or “glamping” in a hotel? If you’ll need reservations, you may want to make these in advance. Or if you feel like a true adventure, you can play it all by ear. What will be the most fun for your family?
  • Finally, make a list of the items you’ll need on your road trip, so you can set them aside before your movers arrive.

Now you’ve got a plan and a route! We’ll leave the details…and additional finessing to you. Be sure to factor in the types of stops you want to make, the attractions and people you want (or don’t want) to see, and how much room you want to leave in your plan for spontaneity. Speaking of spontaneity, make sure you’ve got movers scheduled as soon as you know when you’d like to leave. (You can follow this link to get a free moving quote!)

Phase 2: Celebrate Moving Day!

Start your adventure with a celebration! (You’ll celebrate again in Phase 4.) We hope that your upcoming road trip is full of high points, but to set the right frame of mind, it’s key to start and end things on a high note. So drink champagne or sparkling cider while your professional movers are taking care of the packing and heavy lifting. Packing is more fun when someone else is doing it, and they work best when you’re out of their way, so sit back, relax and enjoy. Turning moving day into a farewell party with your closest friends will set the stage for an amazing adventure and epic road trip.

Transform your move into a vacationPhase 3: ROAD TRIP!

Your long distance moving company has all of your worldly belongings packed and on the move. You’ve handed over your keys to the Realtor or your new tenants. And, your vehicle is packed. You’ve celebrated, and now it’s time to hit the road. Take lots of pictures, gather some mementos from each stop, and make note of the basics in a journal each day. Your family will be sharing stories about this road trip for years. It may not be a traditional vacation relaxing on the beach, but it’s a departure from the normal move nonetheless.

Phase 4: Celebrate and Unpack

Fast forward a week (or several). You’ve landed at your new home, the movers are distributing furniture around the house, and you’re rejoicing in a sea of packing paper and (hopefully) empty boxes. You made it. You experienced an amazing road trip with your family, saw new parts of the country, and visited friends. In short, you have some wonderful memories to celebrate. It’s time for a glass of champagne or sparkling cider, and maybe even a cookout with new friends and neighbors to celebrate together.

Making the most of your move doesn’t have to be a motivational adage. You can have a lot of fun simply with a little planning (and a little champagne). Ready to get started on a great vacation…errrr, move? Visit to get started and see more tips on how to make the most of your next move.

Raj Kalra

A moving industry expert and an internet marketing enthusiast, I have been involved in the moving industry since 2004. Combining my passion towards technology and online marketing with my expertise in the moving industry, I've been focusing on building solutions to make your move easier. From planning to successfully executing your move, my tips and tricks will guide you all along the way. Have any questions for me? Send them to