Thought Leader Series: Moving? Be Safe Before, During, and After Your Move

Thought Leader Series: Moving? Be Safe Before, During, and After Your Move

Lorena Brockman is a blogger for and has notable know-how in blogging, home topics, relocating, and has been deemed “Greatest Auntie Ever” by many. To learn more about Lorena, visit her company’s blog at

Moving the whole family is a big event following a huge decision. Being aware of the potential threats that may arise before, during, or after the move will help you stay ahead of the game. Dangers like accidents, stolen items, injuries, etc., are all possible. By planning ahead, you can avoid any issues.

Are you and your family moving? Be safe before, during, and after your move with the following tips.

Be safe before during and after your move


Getting everything boxed up and ready to go should be planned ahead of time. Make a list of everything you are packing and what the items are packed in. And be sure to follow these tips:

  • Use proper packing supplies. Use new boxes and padding for fragile/sharp items, and take the time to properly tape boxes. Weak boxes can bust open and the contents could injure someone.
  • Make a specific inventory for your sharp/dangerous objects. Knives, saws, blenders, glasses, and other potentially harmful items should be kept track of at all times.
  • Wrap fragile, sharp, breakable items adequately. Use proper padding like bubble wrap and extra towels and blankets.
  • Stay hydrated and take plenty of breaks. Exhaustion and dehydration will only slow you down when you’re trying to get your house packed up quickly.


Once everything is packed, getting it from point A to point B poses some threats. Check out these ideas to keep safe:

  • Only lift what you can. Don’t lift heavy things without assistance, and always lift with your legs, not your back. Lifting incorrectly is one of the biggest causes of back injuries.
  • Rent several moving dollies of different sizes and make sure they have straps that lock for extra-large items. Alternately, hire respected movers to help with the big stuff.
  • Dress appropriately. Don’t wear baggy clothes that can get snagged. Wear comfortable, close-toed shoes. Sandals and open-toed shoes leave your feet open to injury.
  • Keep walkways clear to minimize tripping. The last thing you want is your fragile china shattering on the floor because junk was left in the passageway.

Be safe before during and after your move

Pets and Kids

Moving with the family is exciting, but children and pets can get nervous or anxious. Keeping them involved, but safe, is important.

  • Make sure pets are safe and secure at all times in a kennel or travel cage.
  • Keep children busy playing with supervision while things are being moved so they aren’t in danger’s way.
  • Do a head count before, during, and after the move. Make a fun rhyme to get kids excited – and to keep you knowledgeable of their whereabouts.
  • Keep a constant routine during the move. Change can be overwhelming and pets, as well as children, can become scared. Let them know what’s going on and keep a regular schedule before the move and immediately after.

Identity Protection

Not everyone considers identity theft to be an issue when moving, but it’s a growing concern. Thieves can gather old mail, or untrustworthy movers can snag numbers while working. Keep your finances safe with these steps:

  • Make a list of all subscriptions and mail communication and inform them of your upcoming move. Once you have finished your relocation, follow up to ensure that the address was properly changed.
  • Submit a change of address form to the post office and follow up before and after the move.
  • Destroy any old files and information you no longer need. Shred and discard them to avoid a thief stealing your social security number, credit card number, or any other sensitive information.
  • Carry important documents, like birth certificates, with you while you move. Don’t chance them getting lost in a box.

On the Road

Traveling by plane is an option, but many families choose to haul their belongings on wheels. Make sure your travel is safe by doing the following:

  • Keep tires at their correct psi, the gas tank full, and all other gauges at appropriate levels. Before the move, get a tuneup, a tire rotation, and any other preventative upkeep that will help reduce road trouble.
  • Keep water, snacks, blankets, and an emergency kit in the vehicle. This will come in handy if you get stuck in bad weather or a horrid traffic jam.
  • ALWAYS wear seat belts, keep kids in their car seats, and make sure pets are properly seated.
  • Keep boxes secure. Load the heaviest in the front of the trailer and on the bottom, with lighter boxes toward the back and on top. This will help the haul run smoother.

Moving is a great adventure. Though there are dangers in the moving process, taking precautions can help reduce the chance of any problems arising.

Request a moving quote now so you and your family can make the most of your move and enjoy each other along the way.

Raj Kalra

A moving industry expert and an internet marketing enthusiast, I have been involved in the moving industry since 2004. Combining my passion towards technology and online marketing with my expertise in the moving industry, I've been focusing on building solutions to make your move easier. From planning to successfully executing your move, my tips and tricks will guide you all along the way. Have any questions for me? Send them to