The Ultimate Moving Day Road Trip Playlist

The Ultimate Moving Day Road Trip Playlist

So many of life’s major moments have their own soundtrack, and moving day shouldn’t be any different. Music makes the work go faster, can drown out the occasional squabble over who packed what, and it can even help you have a little bit of fun.

While you’re still in planning mode and it’s too soon to start packing boxes, why not head over to Google Play or iTunes mobile app and create the ultimate moving day and road trip playlist? There’s a surprisingly large volume of move-appropriate material to choose from.

Ray Charles: Hit the Road Jack

“Hit the road Jack and don’t cha come back no more no more no more no more. Hit the road Jack and don’t cha come back no more.”

Ray Charles made this song famous in the 60s, but it was written by blues artist, Percy Mayfield. It’s got the right upbeat tempo to keep you moving.

Billy Joel: Movin’ Out

“If that’s what you have in mind, if that’s what you’re all about, good luck moving’ up ’cause I’m moving out.”

Moving dayPerhaps the quintessential song about packing up and moving out, Billy Joel’s lyrics might not be the happiest, but they’re sing-along perfect. No moving day playlist is complete without this classic. Visit and learn how we can help you move out with a lot less melancholy.

Reel to Real: I Like to Move It

“I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. You like to move it.”

You get the idea. What Reel to Real lacks in original lyrics, they make up for with enthusiasm! Give this song a spot in your music selection and keep your blood pumping. It’s hard to believe that I Like to Move It only made it to 89 on the top 100 Billboard charts back in 1994.

The Animals: We’ve Got to Get Out of This Place

“We gotta get out of this place if it’s the last thing we ever do. We gotta get out of this place. There’s a better life for me and you.”

The Animals made this song one of the anthems of the 60s, and it’s still in heavy rotation on classic rock stations today. It’s remained popular for graduations and other life-changing events, and it’s perfect for when you’re so ready to get moving.

Boston: Don’t Look Back

“Don’t look back. A new day is breakin’, it’s been too long since I felt this way. I don’t mind where I get taken. The road is callin’, today is the day.”

Could this be any more inspirational? Boston’s rousing song about new beginnings is filled with reasons why getting rid of old stuff and packing up for moving day should really be a celebration. And if you can hit the high notes, you get a gold star.

Bruce Springsteen: Born to Run

“Someday girl, I don’t know when, we’re gonna get to that place where we really wanna go and we’ll walk in the sun. But till then tramps like us, baby we were born to run.”

No playlist of any sort could ever be complete without a selection from The Boss. Fortunately, he penned this song back in 1974 just to make your moving day complete.

At some point, you’ll probably have time to spend overthinking the move that’s just ahead. On your lunch break, before bed and any other point in the day when packing isn’t an option but you can’t think about anything else, sit for a while and curate the perfect moving day playlist. The songs don’t even need to be moving related. Anything that puts you in a great mood is fair game.

Mover Junction helps pull the details of your move together as simply as hitting a “play” button. Get a moving company quote today and we’ll help you get ready to hit the road, Jack.

Raj Kalra

A moving industry expert and an internet marketing enthusiast, I have been involved in the moving industry since 2004. Combining my passion towards technology and online marketing with my expertise in the moving industry, I've been focusing on building solutions to make your move easier. From planning to successfully executing your move, my tips and tricks will guide you all along the way. Have any questions for me? Send them to