Should I Move on a Holiday Weekend?

Should I Move on a Holiday Weekend?

You’re not the only one who has thought about moving on a holiday. It makes sense. You’ve probably got an extra day off, the weather might be nice, and the whole family with be around to pitch in. But the reality of a holiday move is something altogether different.

If you move yourself, some potential problems might be avoided. But some exist no matter if you pack and more or hire someone else to do all of the work. Should you move on a holiday weekend? Probably not. There are better ways to spend a day off, and you might avoid a lot of unnecessary headaches.

Here’s why:

Expect More Traffic on the Highways

Holidays mean travel, and it really ramps up when the weather is nice. Not only are people traveling to an event because it’s a special occasion, many of them are also headed out for the annual family vacation.

More traffic on the roads means a more difficult time with your move. Whether you drive the truck yourself or let movers handle it, expect delays, road closures and other unexpected problems.

Hotels Might be Booked Up

If you’re moving across town, hotel accommodations aren’t an issue. But if you’re moving out of state, you might need a room for at least one night. That can pose a challenge if you don’t book well in advance.

Hotels fill up quickly with road-weary holiday travelers. The last thing that you want is to arrive exhausted late at night only to learn that there are no vacancies. If you truly need to move on a holiday, make a reservation in advance to guarantee there’ll be space for you.

Move on a holiday weekend
Moving is already expensive; holiday moving is more so.

Movers May Charge Extra or Have No Appointments

You pay more for gas on major holidays, says Trulia, and some stores raise prices on everything from chips to hot dogs. So it’s to be expected that movers charge a little more for working on a day when everyone else is out enjoying cookouts and other get-togethers.

Another possible problem is finding a mover with space in his schedule. Although rates are usually higher, families do still tend to move on holidays. More movers mean fuller schedules, and you might have a better shot if you wait until another day.

You Shipment Could be Temporarily Stranded

Moving on a holiday might not have any better results than waiting until an ordinary weekday. One little-known issue is a sanction on heavy highway loads on certain days of the year.

In Texas, for example, all three major summer holidays restrict heavy highway loads. The only way a truck filled with your household of furniture and someone else’s, which is how many movers operate, is by special exception. Your household might not arrive any sooner than it would if you’d waited another day.

If you genuinely need to take advantage of a holiday day off, consider using it to pack and prepare everything. Then schedule the movers for the day after, instead of trying to squeeze in the whole event in one day. You’ll get better rates, have a better chance of getting on a mover’s schedule, and avoid some of the other annoying issues. You might also consider a pod, which can be picked up any time.

When it’s time to secure a moving company, Mover Junction is here to help. We’ll connect you with professionals and then stick with you until the job is done. Find a moving company today, and spend your weekend off with family and friends.

Raj Kalra

A moving industry expert and an internet marketing enthusiast, I have been involved in the moving industry since 2004. Combining my passion towards technology and online marketing with my expertise in the moving industry, I've been focusing on building solutions to make your move easier. From planning to successfully executing your move, my tips and tricks will guide you all along the way. Have any questions for me? Send them to