Moving a Mattress: How to Move & Store Your Mattress Like a Pro

Moving a Mattress: How to Move & Store Your Mattress Like a Pro

Ever tried moving a mattress and found yourself tangled in a sweaty mess, wrestling with an awkward, heavy object that just won’t cooperate?

You’re not alone. 

Moving a mattress can feel like a real battle if you’re unprepared, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

This blog answers everything you must know:

    • How to move a mattress
    • How to transport a mattress safely
    • How to store your mattress properly if needed

Expert advice: If your mattress is more than 7 years old, discard it or give it away because it is already near its end. This will save you unnecessary moving and packing costs.

➡️Find out the best ways to get rid of household items you no longer need.

Step 1: Get the Right Moving and Packing Supplies 

Before you think about dragging your mattress across the room or cramming it into your car, get the right materials.

  • Tape Measure

Knowing the exact size of your mattress is essential when moving.

A tape measure helps you check the dimensions, making sure it fits snugly in your mattress bag, your vehicle, and your new bedroom without any awkward surprises.

  • Mattress Bag for Moving

Get a quality and durable mattress bag. You can find them at most home improvement or moving supply stores. A quality mattress bag will protect your mattress from rain, dirt, tear, debris, and damage.

If you have a queen-size mattress, make sure to get a bag that fits it perfectly.

  • Heavy-duty Tape & Straps

Secure your mattress inside the bag, cover it with packing tape, and use moving straps to help you carry it.

  • Furniture Dolly

Using a furniture dolly will help you move your mattress easily without carrying its full weight, letting you simply wheel it to and from your vehicle.

  • Mattress Protective Cover

If you plan to store your mattress for an extended period, consider using a mattress protective cover for moving. These reusable covers offer better long-term protection and are stronger than disposable plastic bags.

Step 2: Prepare the Mattress for the Move

  • Remove Bedding

Before you dive into the move, give your mattress the once-over. Remove all bedding and make sure it’s completely dry.

If your mattress is damp, even slightly, it could develop mold during storage or transportation. So, don’t overlook this step.

Be more careful if you own a memory foam mattress.

These mattresses are heavier and more delicate, and improper handling can damage the foam. Moving and storing memory foam requires a little extra attention.

  • Disassemble the Bed Frames

If your bed frame has slats, headboards, or other attachments, it’s best to disassemble these first.

Keeping the frame components organized in a labeled bag or container will make reassembly quicker when you reach your destination.

Step 3: Enlist Help to Move the Mattress

Even if you’re a weightlifting enthusiast, mattresses are tricky to maneuver alone. They’re floppy, awkwardly shaped, and usually bigger than doorways.

Enlist at least one other person to help guide the mattress through narrow spaces and lift it without causing strain. You can even hire professional moving labor.

Pro Tip: If you have a foam or latex mattress, be extra cautious. These mattresses can be more pliable, making them harder to handle.

Memory foam, in particular, can lose shape if mishandled, so make sure you support the mattress evenly.

Step 4: Transporting the Mattress

To safely lift and move a mattress, hold it by its edges for better control and angle it slightly to fit through doorways without getting stuck or damaging the frame.

Based on first-hand experience and expert advice, here are the best ways to transport a mattress:

  • Lay it Flat

Lay the mattress flat in your vehicle to maintain its shape, especially if you’re dealing with a memory foam mattress or a hybrid mattress.

Standing it upright on its edges for long periods can cause the materials to shift and settle unevenly.

  • Secure with Straps

Whether it’s flat in the back of a truck or on the roof of your car, make sure your mattress is strapped down tightly.

Use durable ropes or bungee cords to keep it from shifting during transit. If you have to store the mattress upright, do so briefly and keep an eye on it.

  • Roof Transport

If your only option is transporting it on your car’s roof, be cautious.

Fasten the mattress securely, avoid speeding, and double-check everything before driving off to avoid accidents.

Step 5: Storing Your Mattress Correctly

After transporting your mattress successfully, if you’re not setting it up right away, store it properly to keep it in top condition.

  • Lay it Flat

This is critical. Storing a mattress upright may save space, but over time, it can lead to lumps and sagging. Lay it flat to avoid permanent damage and maintain its cushioning.

  • Use a Protective Cover

If you’re storing it for more than a few days, make sure your mattress is inside a mattress protective cover to prevent dust, moisture, and pests from settling in.

  • Choose a Safe Storage

If you’re putting your mattress into a storage unit, opt for one with temperature control to avoid humidity, which can cause mold, mildew, and other moisture-related issues.

How to Move a Mattress by Yourself

Moving a mattress without professional movers might sound intimidating, but it’s definitely doable if you know what you’re doing.

Here’s what you should keep in mind:

  • Use Moving Straps

Think of moving straps as your new best friend. They distribute the weight of the mattress, making it feel lighter and easier to handle.

Plus, they keep the mattress from sliding around during transport.

  • Slide it; Don’t Lift it

Instead of carrying the mattress, try sliding it along smooth surfaces. If you have a carpeted floor, use furniture sliders or blankets to help it glide without much effort.

  • Tilt and Pivot

Going through tight spaces like doorways can be tricky. Tilting the mattress to fit through while pivoting can help you navigate small areas more easily.

Not like this, though; we all know how that went.    

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Moving a Mattress

  • Folding the Mattress

Folding your mattress may seem like a good idea to make it fit in your car, but doing so can permanently damage the internal structure. Be particularly mindful with memory foam mattresses, as they can lose their shape when bent.

  • Improperly Securing the Mattress

A loose mattress can shift during the move, causing damage. Make sure it’s tightly secured, whether you’re using a truck, van, or car roof.

  • Delayed Unpacking

After arriving at your destination, unpack the mattress as soon as possible. This allows the mattress to return to its original shape, especially if it was transported in an upright position.

Moving and storing a mattress doesn’t have to be a headache. By following these steps, your mattress will arrive in perfect condition, ready for a good night’s sleep in your new home.


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