How To Load The Moving Truck Like An Expert

How To Load The Moving Truck Like An Expert

There are several moving options you can choose when you’re planning to move your home. Sometimes, the best option could be renting a moving truck and moving all by yourself. If you opt for this option, you may have to load the rented moving van by yourself.

How you load the moving truck can determine how many trips you’ll have to make and if your items will arrive your new home in one piece.  If you load the moving truck just anyhow, you may end up damaging some of your most precious household items. Also, you may be forced to leave some of your things behind after making too many trips.

But you can load the rental moving truck like an expert and move all your household items successfully by following these simple tips:

How to load your moving truck like a pro

Assign one or two people to remain on the truck while others carry boxes and other items to them.

First, you’ll have to put some things in place before you start loading the moving truck .

  • Ensure you have an obstruction free route from the moving truck to the door.
  • You may lay a plastic wrap or tarp on the truck floor to prevent dirt or dust.
  • Assign one or two people to remain on the truck while others carry boxes and other items to them.
  • The assigned persons inside the truck will be responsible for stacking and loading items appropriately. So choose wisely or do it yourself.

The following tips are the same techniques many moving experts use for loading moving trucks :

Heaviest Items or Goods First: start by loading heaviest items into the truck. Such items could be appliances such as washing machines, stove, dish washer, refrigerator and any other items that take two or more people to move.    

All the heaviest items should be loaded, and moved against the far wall closest to the cab. Ensure the items are in upright positions, and place the objects on opposite side in order to balance the weight on the truck. Thin legged tables should not be loaded alongside the heaviest items. They may cave in due to weight of other items.

truck truck
Start by loading heaviest items into the moving van. All heavy items should be placed on the floor while the lighter ones are placed on top.


Also, you can use furniture padding to shield wood corners and surfaces. You can slide heavier pieces on the truck easily when you use padded protection. Stack your household goods from floor to ceiling, make sure the heavier ones stays on the floor and the lighter ones on top.

Move Longer Items Next: items such as long mirrors, box springs, head box, table-tops and sofas should go into the truck next. The longer items should be positioned against the longest walls of the truck. Use mattress cover to protect your sofa and bed from tears and rips and in order to make the entire move damage-free.

Disassemble Joined Items: items such as desks, tables, bed frames, etc. should be disassembled and the pieces should be taped together. Other longer items like lamp parts, lamp bases, skis and poles should be disassembled and taped too.

Place the taped pieces inside your carpet, roll it, and tape the carpet around and at both ends.  Taping will protect the items from falling off during transportation. The carpet should be placed on the floor of the truck .       

Load The Heaviest and Biggest Boxes: place the largest and heaviest boxes at the top of the furniture and appliances. Ensure every cavity on chair seats, under desks, and beneath tables, are filled up appropriately. Ensure all the heavy boxes are not filled with fragile items.

Photo by Hsing Wei  @ Flickr / CC BY
Place the largest and heaviest boxes at the top of furniture and large appliances. Photo by Hsing Wei
@ Flickr / CC BY

Lighter Boxes: all the lighter boxes should be loaded next and placed at the top of the heavier boxes. Ensure the lightest box ends up at the top of all. All the boxes should be stacked in row until they reach the top of the truck.

Also, any space between the truck ceiling and the top boxes should be filled with items such as linens, beddings and garbage bags filled with cloths.

Fragile and Awkward shaped Items: fragile and irregular shaped items should go in the truck next. Place them in stable position to prevent them from shifting around while in transit. You may place them in cubbyholes like beneath chair legs, desks and underneath tables.

Unbreakable Items: it’s important to fill up all the spaces in the truck to prevent all the items from shifting around during transit. Blankets, linens, bags full of clothes, shoes and towels can be stuffed into holes anywhere in the van. Also, any other items that won’t break easily like garage items and hangers can be used to fill up spaces.

Now that you’ve loaded the moving truck like an expert and set to move. If you think loading by yourself is too much, check out some of our labor help companies in your area.

Have a safe moving trip and enjoy your new home!

Raj Kalra

A moving industry expert and an internet marketing enthusiast, I have been involved in the moving industry since 2004. Combining my passion towards technology and online marketing with my expertise in the moving industry, I've been focusing on building solutions to make your move easier. From planning to successfully executing your move, my tips and tricks will guide you all along the way. Have any questions for me? Send them to