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According to a recent FBI Report, property crimes in the United States caused losses estimated at $14.3 billion. The total value of reported property theft including jewelry, currency, motor vehicles, electronics, and firearms was estimated at $12. 4 billion.
Should you be bothered about that crime figure when you’re moving to a new neighborhood? I’ll say yes!
Its easy to pick up your phone and call 911 whenever you suspect any criminal activity. But in most cases, you can only do that if you’re right there physically. What happens when you’re far away from home and a burglar decides to break your jewelry box? A home security system may be all you can depend on in such a situation.
But how exactly would you know what home security system is right for you? I’ll show you exactly what to consider before choosing a home security system.

Home Security System – How To Choose The Right One For Your Home
Let’s find out what you should consider before buying a home security system:
#1. What’s your major safety concern?
The first thing you’ll have to consider before choosing any home security system is your major security concern or problem. If you have a kid or a teenager, you may be concerned about their safety if they have to spend some hours at home all alone before you arrive.
If a retiree is living at home all alone, the major concern could be emergency medical response. If you’re moving to an area with high crime rates or you currently live in one, theft and burglary could be the key reason to invest in a home security system.

When you figure out your key security concerns, it’ll help you determine the type of home security system to invest in. You may choose a medical alert system, a 24/7 monitoring home security system, a camera that streams what’s happening in your home to your device whenever you are, or a drive away alert that alerts you when someone steps into your property. There are many options of home security system to choose from once you address the biggest security concern you’re facing.
#2. Wired or wireless system?
One of the most overlooked factors when choosing a home security system is if you’re a homeowner or a renter. This will determine if you should choose a wired or a wireless system. A wireless system is not wired to the home’s landline and its a better option if you’re not the homeowner. Whenever you’re moving, you can unplug the wireless security system and reinstall it in your new home easily.
If you’re the homeowner with no plans of moving in the near future, you can choose a wired system. But if you have plans to move later on, you can choose a wireless system.
#3. Professional Installation or DIY Installation?
If you choose DIY installation systems, you’ll have to buy the installation equipment if any is required and install the security system all by yourself. The installation can take within 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your home size and how well you know the system. DIY installation systems are relatively cheaper than professional installation systems.
But if you’re not comfortable with installing a security system perfectly or you’re too busy to do so, you can pick the professional installation system. If you pick this option, you’ll have to pay a little more. One easy way out is to get free quotes of smart and affordable home security systems in your area.
#4. Do you really need a security camera or not?
Before you choose a security system, you’ll have to decide if you really need one with a camera or not. If you have children, teenagers, babysitters or other staff, you may choose a system with a security camera. The system can be your eyes while you’re away from home.

If a crime is committed, the security camera can play a key role in identifying the criminal and ensuring justice is served. Security cameras can serve as deterrent especially if they’re installed in a visible area of a home.
#5. Are you always away from home?
If you’re always away from home for business or pleasure, you’ll have to consider home automation as part of your security system. But with a home automation system, you can easily control the internal settings of your home at a moment’s notice. Through your smart device such as a smart phone, tablet or a laptop, you can easily turn the lights on or off. Even more, you can adjust the thermostats for your pets at home while you’re away.
You can even turn on your TV set at night to keep burglars away as it will make them believe you’re home watching TV.
#6. Is an alarm system the best for you?
Many home security system have 24/7 monitoring system, meaning that the monitoring company is contacted whenever the alarm is triggered. You’ll have to decide how to communicate with the company. There are often three major options to pick from.
Whenever the alarm system is triggered, as a result of intruders, carbon monoxide, smoke or any other thing, the alarm system company can call you directly on the chosen landline in your home. While the landline monitoring can be a good option, many homeowners prefer getting the call on their mobile device.
The second option is for you to get a call whenever the alarm is triggered and whenever there isn’t an answer or you actually confirm the alarm trigger to be true, the agency responsible for the emergency will get a call.
The third option is broadband monitoring, and it is the fastest and cheapest option. The security system you choose will ultimately depend on your preferred communication choice. If you own a smart device such as a smartphone or a tablet and you keep it by your side at all times, you can use it as your preferred communication method.