How To Know If Your Home Requires Fumigation Before Moving In

How To Know If Your Home Requires Fumigation Before Moving In

If you’re looking to move into a new home, some of the things you’ll never want to see are bugs, roaches, and any other kind of home-infesting pests and insects. So what exactly should you do to clear out bugs and roaches or prevent them from coming into your new home?


That sounds pretty easy. But how exactly would you know if your new home actually requires fumigation? Fumigation is not cheap. So just before you invite an exterminator and spend hundreds of dollars or even thousands, depending on the size of your home, here’s what you need to do to know if your home actually requires fumigation.

How To Figure Out If Your New Home Requires Fumigation

Let’s run through this simple checklist.

Do one last round of house inspection to know if your home requires fumigation

Odds are you’ve checked if the house or apartment you intend to move into can accommodate your household items.

Fumigation - housefly

But have you checked for roaches and bugs that are always lurking in corners waiting to start crawling around when its dark? You can start by inspecting the back of all wooden installations or you can create a checklist just to make sure you inspect the house as you ought to.

Your checklist must include the following key areas:

Garage and Basement

Garage and basement are usually damp during rainy seasons and winter time. Inspect your basement and garage carefully and be on the look out for millipedes and silverfish. Both of them are huge multi-legged crawlers that like damp and moist places.

Fumigation - rodents

Thoroughly inspect your basement’s carpet, flooring, wall paper and don’t miss the windows. Silverfish are nocturnal insects, be on the lookout for this insect at night.


Rodents are always looking for where to find food easily and the kitchen is one of such places. Carefully inspect the dishwasher, sink, cabinet and garbage areas for stains and food marks. Chances are, rats will leave droppings on corners where non-canned food items used to be stored.

Living rooms

Many homeowners often bring popcorn, pizza, and several other kinds of tasty snacks to their homes during movie nights or play dates. So check for carpet spills or rows of ant build ups on walls. You can also look for trails on overhead lights, night stands, desks and drawers.

Funmigation - Cockroach

If you find roaches, rodents, bugs or any other insects in any of these places or other places of the home, then you should talk to a pest control expert. They are trained to lookout for pests and rodents and they can figure out if your new home is infested and how you can clear out the pests.

They can give you a written report about the property so you”ll know exactly what you’re up against. Check out these 10 non-toxic cleaning supplies for clean and healthy homes.

How To Keep Pests Away From Your Home To Avoid Fumigation

You can use one or a combination of these methods to keep pests away from your home:

Sanitize your kitchen regularly so you wouldn’t bother about fumigation 

The kitchen is one of the most favorite places for pests in any home. Rodents are constantly looking for leftovers and spills in the kitchen.

Fumigation - spider

If you always leave used pizza boxes at trash bins for several days or often leave leftover food in the sink, or you like feeding your pet in your yard, you’re inviting rodents to your house. Pay attention to your sink, trashcan and floors. For daily cleaning, you can mix detergent and bleach with water.

After that, you can prepare a concentrated bleaching solution with your chemical mixture. You can use up to three different clothes to wipe off the dirt and food stains on your tables surfaces, the sink, and floors. After doing this, you can apply the bleaching solution.

Fumigation - Ant

If you seal your food items properly, and disinfect all surfaces properly, it’ll be difficult for rodent to smell anything they can scavenge in your kitchen.

Do a weekly or monthly pest inspection

Spend some time checking dark corners of your kitchen and other areas of your home. You can make a checklist of areas to check every week or month. Most importantly, make sure your kitchen is disinfected every day.

Make sure your weekly checklist include your landscape, roof drainage, timber walls and carpets. All these areas require detailed inspection, so be sure to schedule a day within your weekend to clear them from pest build ups. You can check out these 10 natural ways to keep insects out of your home and these 22 natural ways to repel insects.

Secure the outside to stop pests from coming in and avoid fumigation 

Windows and doors are the most likely entry points for pests. If you intend to leave your windows and doors constantly open, fit them with screens. If you have a fitted screen, check it for tears. Make sure you seal all cracks around your windows and doors frames with caulk or foam.

To seal the moving parts of your doors, consider using door sweeps and weather stripping and put screens on your vents. Even more, carefully inspect your home’s exterior walls and look for lights coming through walls. Lookout for air movement too they can point to cracks that you can’t easily see.

Also, concentrate on weather-conditioning, and that will essentially take care of the insect problem. Find out more about how to clean your new home and make it livable.

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Raj Kalra

A moving industry expert and an internet marketing enthusiast, I have been involved in the moving industry since 2004. Combining my passion towards technology and online marketing with my expertise in the moving industry, I've been focusing on building solutions to make your move easier. From planning to successfully executing your move, my tips and tricks will guide you all along the way. Have any questions for me? Send them to