10 Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies For Clean Healthy Homes

10 Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies For Clean Healthy Homes

The benefits of deep-cleaning your home are priceless. But you shouldn’t see deep-cleaning your home as a once-in-a-year affair.

Using chemicals for cleaning every now and then may be too harsh for some household items or even you. So rather than wearing a gas mask while cleaning for one-hour in a week, consider changing the type of cleanser you use. You can use non-toxic cleaning supplies to make your home cleaner and healthier.

I’ll show you the 10 non-toxic cleaning supplies many professional home cleaners use to make any home absolutely clean.

10 non-toxic cleaning supplies for cleaning your home

#1. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an effective natural cleaner. It contains antibacterial properties, citric acid and has a low pH which makes it an excellent cleaner. When you clean your home with lemon juice, you’ll end up with a friendly lemony scent throughout your home without the smell of crazy chemicals.

Lemon juice cleaning supplies
Lemon juice is an effective natural cleaner.

How To Use Lemon Juice For Cleaning

In the bathroom

1. If you intend to remove soap scum from tiles and bathtub, get a cut lemon and rub it on their surfaces. Lemon contains acid and this acid can break down bacteria and dirt in soap scum. Rinse the surfaces thoroughly to make them absolutely free from bacteria.

2. To remove rub stains from tub and sinks, cut a lemon in half and then rub half of the lemon directly on the stain. The rust stains will gradually come off easily.

3. If your shower curtain is stained with mineral and mildew, you should soak it in salt water for about 15 to 20 minutes. And then hang the shower curtain in order to drain excess water. While the curtain is still wet, rub the mineral or mildew stains with lemon juice. You can clean up the curtain whichever way you want; running it on a washing machine or rinsing it with clean water.

In the Kitchen

4. To clean up stainless-steel fixtures and sinks, copper, or brass in the kitchen, mix salt and lemon juice until the mixture is similar to a toothpaste. Rub the mixture on the surfaces you intend to clean and scrub. Rinse with water when you’re done, the surface will be clean.

5. You can loosen mineral deposits on your faucets by simply sponging on lemon juice. You’ll have to let it soak for a while and then scrub it off.

6. If you’re looking to remove odors from a garbage disposal, cut up a lemon, toss it in, and grind it up. You can use orange and lemon peels too, they can remove the odors.

 #2. Baking Soda

Only a few items can be used for baking and cleaning. Baking Soda should not only be a key item in your pantry, but a staple in your cleaning bucket. Baking Soda can cut through grease, kill virus, brightens, and deodorizes.

Baking soda cleaning supplies
Baking Soda can cut through grease, kill virus, brightens, and deodorizes.

How To Use Baking Soda For Cleaning

In the Bathroom

1. You can clean your combs and hairbrushes in baking powder solution.

2. To prevent clogged drain and the cost of hiring a plumber, pour 1/4 cup baking soda down at least once in a week. Rinse through with hot water.

3. If you intend to remove stubborn stains from surfaces in the bathroom, You can use a baking soda paste (3 parts baking soda, one part water). Apply it gently on the surfaces, leave it for a while and then scrub or wipe clean.

In the Kitchen

 4.  To keep away unpleasant odor in the freezer, cupboard or refrigerator, keep a small bowl or box of baking soda inside them.

5. If there are scuff marks on grease spill on your floor, you can clean them by sprinkling baking soda on them and and then wipe clean by using a warm damp cloth.

6. If you observe stale smell from food containers, you can remove them by rinsing them out with baking soda and hot water. If you did that and the smell still remain, soak the container overnight  with baking soda and water.

#3. Rubbing Alcohol  

Isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol can be used to clean mirrors or treat wounds. Also, you can use rubbing alcohol to freshen and sanitize your cleaning sponges. Start by soaking your cleaning cloth or sponge in a bowl filled with rubbing alcohol for up to ten minutes and then rinse. To ensure your tools are clean after a deep soak, spray the tools with rubbing alcohol before using them.

Cleaning supply: Rubbing alcohol
You can use rubbing alcohol to freshen and sanitize your cleaning sponges.

How To Use Rubbing Alcohol For Cleaning

1. Keep windows frost clean and sparkling – If your window frost up, don’t hesitate to wash them with a solution of 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol to 1 quart (1 liter) water. This will prevent the frost. Once you’re done washing, you can make the windows shine by polishing them with newspaper.

2. Remove ink stains – if ink has stained any of your cloth, you can remove the stains by soaking the stained spot in rubbing alcohol within few minutes before washing the cloth.

3. Clean slats of Venetian blinds – to clean your Venetian blinds wrap a flat tool such as a drywall knife in cloth and fasten it with a rubber band. Dip it in rubbing alcohol and start cleaning.

4. Prevent stains in your shirt collar – if ring of sweat stains are leaving rings on your shirt collar, you can prevent it by wiping your neck with rubbing alcohol before wearing your shirt in the morning.

5. Clean your phone – have you observed grime on your phone. Wipe it clean with rubbing alcohol. The substance will disinfect the phone and remove the grime.

6. Remove hairspray from your mirror – When you’re using hairspray in front of a mirror, odds are some of your hair will end up on the mirror. You can wipe the mirror clean with rubbing alcohol for a sparkling mirror.

#4. Borax

Borax has been in supply for more than one hundred years and there’s an impressive reason for that.  Borax is versatile, efficient, is a natural mineral and its environmentally-friendly.

Borax cleaning supplies
Borax is versatile, efficient, is a natural mineral and its environmentally-friendly.

How To Use Borax For Cleaning

In the bathroom

1. Cleaning toilets – to clean your toilet with borax, pour one cup into water, stir it and let it soak overnight. Scrub it with a brush the next day and your toilet will be sparkling clean.

2. Clean tubs and showers – sprinkle some borax on a dam cloth or sponge, and scrub the showers and tub. Rinse the showers and tub with water when you’re done and they will be sparkling clean.

3. Unclog toilet – start by scooping as much water as you can out of your toilet, pour a half cup of borax and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Pour two cups of boiling water and flush. You should repeat the process if necessary until your toilet is unclogged.

In the kitchen

4. Cleaning your fridge – To clean food spills inside your fridge, mix one tablespoon of borax per quart of warm water.

5. Clean cast iron cookware – To clean your cast iron cookware appropriately, mix 1 teaspoon of borax with 1 teaspoon of salt, spread it on your cookware, and scrub it.

6. Remove Rust – Mix 1 part borax with 1 part lemon juice, spread the mixture onto the rust, then let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Finally, just wipe it clean

#5. Olive Oil

You can create a soft scrub with olive oil and coarse salt which can be used for cleaning cast iron skillet. Also, you can rub some Evoo into your skin and wash completely with soap to clean paint on your hands. If your wood furniture is also looking dull you can bring it back to looking new with a bit of lemon juice and oil.

Olive oil cleaning supply
Olive oil can be used for several different purposes.

How To Use Olive Oil For Cleaning

1. Polish wood furniture: You should mix 2 cups olive oil with 1 cup of lemon juice or vinegar. Work the mixture into the furniture gently with a soft cloth. But if you intend to smooth out scratches in light-colored wood, rub the olive oil with a solution of equal parts olive or vegetable oil and lemon juice

2. Fix scratches on leather furniture: Just Pour a very small amount of oil onto a cotton cloth and rub it into the scratched leather furniture in a light circular motion.

3. Protect rattan and wicker furniture: Gently rub some warm oil into the furniture with a soft cloth to help keep rattan and wicker furniture from cracking.

4. Shine stainless steel: For sparkling stainless steel, pour olive oil onto a cloth and buff as you wish.

5. Clean your cast-iron pans: Start by making a scrubbing paste with olive or another vegetable oil and a teaspoon of coarse salt. Scrub it in with a stiff brush, then rinse with hot water.

6. Clean paint off your hands: Rub some oil into your skin, let it sink in for 5 minutes, and then wash thoroughly with soap.

#6. Vinegar

Vinegar efficiently cut through soap scum, grime, and does so effortlessly. The vinegar acidity is the cause for such effectiveness. Vinegar is effective for cleaning.

Cleaning supply: Vinegar
Vinegar is effective for cleaning.

How To Use Vinegar For Cleaning

1. Clean up a toilet – Pour a cup or more of diluted white distilled vinegar into the bowl. Let sit several hours or overnight. Scrub well with a toilet brush and flush.

2. Remove odors – You should swab plastic containers with a cloth dampened with vinegar.

3. Kill bathroom germs – To Kill germs in your bathroom, spray full-strength vinegar around the sink and tub. When you’re done wipe it clean with a damp cloth.

4. Save a garment – To remove light scorch marks on fabrics, rub gently with vinegar. Wipe with a clean cloth. You can also use this cleaning method on antiperspirant stains.

5. Freshen up the fridge – Clean the shelves and walls with a solution of half water and half vinegar.

6. Clean up coffee cups and teacups – Gently scrub stains with equal parts vinegar and salt (or baking soda).

#7. Hydrogen Peroxide 

Although, you may already have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your first aid kit, there is still more use to its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Add some three percent peroxide in a spray bottle and spray counters and other surfaces with it. However, for the peroxide to sanitize the surface, let it sit for a minute or two to kill any pathogens before wiping with a clean towel or cloth.

How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide For cleaning

1. Antiseptic Mouth Rinse

Use a cap full of hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse to help whiten teeth and kill germs that cause bad breath.

2. Disinfect Toothbrushes

Soak toothbrushes in hydrogen peroxide to kill staph bacteria and other germs common to the bathroom environment.

3. Whiten Your Nails

Soak fingertips and toes in hydrogen peroxide to naturally whiten your nails.

4. Clear Up Acne

Use hydrogen peroxide as a face rinse to kill the bacteria that cause acne and help clear your complexion.

5. Help Heal Boils

Pour half of a bottle (about 8 ounces) of hydrogen peroxide into warm bath water and soak to treat boils.

6. Soften Corns & Calluses

Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and warm water to make a foot soak that will naturally soften corns and calluses.

#8. Coffee Grounds  

Coffee grounds and whole beans effectively absorb odors. All you have to do is get a tablespoon of dry, unused coffee grounds and put them in an old stocking (or any other breathable container) and place them in strategic areas that could require some odor absorption.

Coffee ground cleaning supply
Coffee grounds and whole beans effectively absorb odors.

How To Use Coffee Ground For Cleaning

1.Unclog your drain – With coffee grounds, boiling water and a little dish soap, you can unclog your bathroom and kitchen drains.

2. Get odor out of your fridge and freezer – Instead of baking soda, use a box of used coffee grounds to absorb smells in your fridge.

3. Get scratches out of furniture – Use oil and coffee grounds or instant coffee to mask scratches in many shades of wood.

4. Make a flea bath – Add some coffee grounds to your dog’s shampoo to create a natural flea repellant.

5. Make a deodorizing soap – You can DIY this masculine (aka non-floral) soap out of recycled hotel soaps and coffee. It’s a great (and nearly free) homemade gift for anyone on your list.

#9. Corn Starch    

To make a cleansing paste for your windows, take the corn starch out of the pantry.  Mix vinegar, cornstarch, water, lemon juice and get to work.

Corn starch cleaning supply
Corn starch is an effective cleaner, read this article to find out how.

How To Use Corn Starch For Cleaning

1. Remove ink stains from carpet
Oh no, ink on the carpet! In this case a little spilt milk might save you from crying. Mix the milk with cornstarch to make a paste. Apply the paste to the ink stain. Allow the concoction to dry on the carpet for a few hours, then brush off the dried residue and vacuum it up.

2. Give carpets a fresh scent
Before vacuuming a room, sprinkle a little cornstarch on your carpeting. Wait about half an hour and then vacuum normally.

3. Untangle knots
Knots in string or shoelaces can be stubborn to undo, but the solution is easy. Sprinkle the knot with a little cornstarch. It will then be easy to work the segments apart.

4. Soak up furniture polish residue
You’ve finished polishing your furniture, but there’s still a bit left on the surface. Sprinkle cornstarch lightly on furniture after polishing. Wipe up the oil and cornstarch, then buff the surface.

5. Lift a scorch mark from clothing
You moved the iron a little too slowly and now you have a scorch mark on your favorite shirt. Wet the scorched area and cover it with cornstarch. Let the cornstarch dry, then brush it away along with the scorch mark.

6. Remove grease spatters from walls
Even the most careful cook cannot avoid an occasional spatter. A busy kitchen takes some wear and tear but here’s a handy remedy for that unsightly grease spot. Sprinkle cornstarch onto a soft cloth. Rub the grease spot gently until it disappears.

#10. Essential Oils

Essential oils may not be able to clean your home as such. However, if you intend to make your own cleaning products essential oils should be considered, they also smell good. You can use a few drops of your favorite essential oils scents in your cleaning liquid to make your home cleaner and smell fresher.

Essential oil cleaning supply.
You can use a few drops of your favorite essential oils scents in your cleaning liquid to make your home cleaner and smell fresher.

How To Use Essential Oil For Cleaning

1. Combs and brushes: Fill a container with 1½ cups water, ½ cup distilled white vinegar, and 20 drops tea-tree, lavender, or eucalyptus oil. Soak combs and brushes for 20 minutes. Rinse and air-dry.

2. Scuffed floors: Apply two to four drops of tea-tree oil to the spots. Wipe excess oil with a cloth and rub in distilled white vinegar.

3. Gum-encrusted items: Orange oil is great at removing this sticky offender from various materials. (Don’t worry: It shouldn’t stain fabrics. But do launder immediately.) Apply with a cotton ball.

4. Shower doors: Wipe scum-covered glass doors with a few drops of lemon oil twice a month. It will protect them from grime buildup.

5. Toilets: Add 2 teaspoons tea-tree oil and 2 cups water to a spray bottle. Shake, then spritz along the toilet’s inside rim. Let sit for 30 minutes; scrub. You can also place a few drops of your favorite oil on the inside of the toilet-paper tube. “Every time the paper is used, the scent will be released,” says Siegel-Maier.

6. Windows: Mix 2 ounces water and 10 drops lavender or lemongrass oil to wipe grime off windows. Bonus: These oils may repel flies.

Raj Kalra

A moving industry expert and an internet marketing enthusiast, I have been involved in the moving industry since 2004. Combining my passion towards technology and online marketing with my expertise in the moving industry, I've been focusing on building solutions to make your move easier. From planning to successfully executing your move, my tips and tricks will guide you all along the way. Have any questions for me? Send them to info@moverjunction.com