8 Tips For Packing And Moving Musical Instruments

8 Tips For Packing And Moving Musical Instruments


What’s your favorite musical instrument?

Whether you’re a performing artiste, or just an avid music lover, if you have any musical instrument, you’ll want to make sure they are handled properly to avoid any damage whenever you’re moving to a new home.

Many musical instruments cost quite a fortune and some are are hard to fix or replace. So packing them should be done appropriately. Since musical instruments are delicate, special precautions should be observed whenever they are being packed or moved.

Tips for moving musical instruments the right way

1. Hire a Reliable Moving Company

Moving Musical Instruments
Do some research online before you hire any moving company to handle your musical instrument.

All musical instruments cannot be packed exactly the same way. If you don’t know how to pack and move your musical instruments, don’t take chances. Hire a professional moving company to help you get the job done. But you’ll have to select your mover carefully.

Make sure you do some research online before you hire any moving company to handle your musical instrument.  Ask for recommendations, read reviews of past customers and ask the mover about the experience they have about moving your type of musical instruments.

2. Find Out About Special Packing

Ask the movers you intend to hire if they provide any special means of packing musical instruments. Some movers have experts who specialize in packing musical instruments or they can recommend a third party to get the job done. However, if you know how to safely pack your musical instruments all by yourself, you should do so.

3. Have a Schedule

time lady
Every second counts when you’re performing in a concert or show. Let the moving company know when and where you’ll want your instrument delivered.

Let the moving company you hire know about the date, time and the precise location you expect your musical instruments to be shipped to.

This is absolutely crucial especially when you intend to perform in a concert or show. Also, there are few crucial considerations in moving musical instruments in terms of weather and temperature.

Giving the moving company a schedule will allow them to plan ahead and urge them to deliver your instruments as agreed.

4. Quality Packing Supplies

If you intend to pack your musical instruments yourself,  make sure you buy quality packing supplies. Don’t make the mistake of trying to save on your moving supplies by purchasing cheap ones.

You’ll require very high quality packing supplies to pack your musical instruments to prevent damage. Just one fall or crack can damage some instruments.

5. Packing Strings Instruments

Slightly loosen the strings of any string instrument you’re packing or moving.

Whenever you intend to pack any string musical instruments like violins, cellos, guitars etc. make sure you slightly loosen the strings. You can use a bubble wrap to cover each of the stringed musical instruments and carefully place each in its own case.

After placing each instrument it its own case, fill up all other empty spaces with crumpled paper or soft cloth for more protection. Leaving empty spaces will cause the instruments to shift or move against the wall of the case.

This may result to damages on the instrument such as scratches on the instrument surface.

6. Packing Brass Instruments

Pack the mouth piece of your brass instrument separately. Always play safe!

If you intend to pack brass instruments, don’t forget to remove the mouthpiece and pack it separately.

Ensure you use bubble wraps in wrapping the musical instrument appropriately before carefully placing them inside their own case. The bubble wrap will protect the instrument from scratches inside its case when the instrument is in transit.

However, if the instrument’s case is not available, use a box. You can either buy the boxes you need or take advantage of these 10 best places to get free moving boxes.

But the instrument’s case is the safest and most preferred, because it’s precisely designed to house the instrument in the most practical and safest way.

7. Packing Large Instruments    

large instrument
It’s better to hire experts to help you pack larger instruments in order to avoid damages.

If you intend to pack larger musical instruments such as a piano always use harder cases. Smaller instruments can be safely packed with soft cases. However, it’s advisable to hire experts to help you pack larger instruments in order to avoid damages.

But if you intend to pack your larger musical instruments yourself, make sure you use a lot of padding to protect the instruments during shipping. If you intend to pack a drum set disassemble it into smaller pieces and pack it easily.

8. Using Boxes

box box
If you intend to use boxes, make sure the boxes are strong enough to hold the instruments’ weight.

If you intend to pack your musical instrument with a box because you no longer have their original casings, use a box that is slightly larger than the instrument.

Make sure any box you intend to use is sturdy and can hold the weight of the instrument. Pack the instrument with bubble wraps, and carefully place the instrument inside the box.

Make sure you pad the box by filling the empty spaces with crumpled paper or any padding. Ensure the instrument is not shifting inside the box after packing. Pack each document separately; do not place two instruments inside the same box. It is better for your musical instruments to arrive in one piece in different boxes than to arrive damaged all in one box.

Are you wondering about where to find a reliable moving company that can move your musical instrument?  Mover Junction can connect you to licensed and BBB rated moving companies that can move any musical instrument appropriately. Also, you’ll get up to six free moving quotes instantly so you can compare rates before hiring.

Raj Kalra

A moving industry expert and an internet marketing enthusiast, I have been involved in the moving industry since 2004. Combining my passion towards technology and online marketing with my expertise in the moving industry, I've been focusing on building solutions to make your move easier. From planning to successfully executing your move, my tips and tricks will guide you all along the way. Have any questions for me? Send them to info@moverjunction.com